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Burp Suite Tutorial for Beginners

1hr 36min of on-demand video. The first thing on the wizard is to select or create a project to work with. …

Pakatan Perakbina Sdn Bhd

Pakatan Perakbina Sdn Bhd All Property Development

Adapter Cards and Expansion Slots

Shop save on the Lenovo Legion Slim 170W AC AdapterUL hundreds of other popular PC. Computer owners had to open the com…

Bahasa Melayu Sebagai Bahasa Rasmi

Perkara 152 Perlembagaan Malaysia menyatakan bahawa bahasa rasmi digunakan untuk semua urusan rasmi di peringkat keraja…

Bohr Model of Hydrogen Atom

The Bohr Model of the Hydrogen Atom proposed the planetary model first but an assumption about electrons was later made…

Advantages of Non Renewable Energy

If we were to take only the subsidized figures from the non-renewable energy industry the fossil fuels we consume repre…